Competition and changing market conditions require businesses to make quick decisions. To do this management needs to have actual information about the company's activities.
The main source of such data is operational accounting. The entire cycle of enterprise management is built on it - from planning to control. It reflects the state of your business and provides information to other IT systems. The quality of management decisions depends on it - top management understands the situation «here and now», manages business and plans the future of the company.
ERP covers the company's key business processes and forms a single digital space for managing finances, production, stocks, purchases and other operations. The system becomes foundation for digital transformation, and the work of other IT solutions is based on its data.
We have been implementing, developing and supporting ERP systems since 2002. Our portfolio includes more than 150 successful ERP projects for manufacturing, distribution and retail.
We have been implementing, developing and supporting ERP systems since 2002. Our portfolio includes more than 150 successful ERP projects for manufacturing, distribution and retail.
Administrating accountingStocks and materials consumption for production, output, accounting for defects.
ProcurementAccounting of goods and materials, mutual exchanges with suppliers and etc.
StocksStock management for production needs.
Inventory managementControl of balances and stocks, sales and movements of goods and materials, storage life.
Sales managementContractors relationships management, planning, payments, accounting of debt receivables.
Management accounting and prime costOperational and accounting data form management reports and production costs.
IT auditIT audit
The evaluation of IT landscape and business processes helps identify problems that slow down the work and determine how to eliminate them. IT audit is the first step towards developing a long-term program for company's digitalization.
If ERP system is based on a proper methodology, the company will be able to speed up management decisions, increase the volume of operations, and achieve an optimal level of inventory.
ERP implementationERP implementation
The system covers all functional areas, allowing companies to reduce operational costs, launch new businesses, and manage a geographically distributed structure.
Platforms for automation of operational and managerial accounting